
Amigos recognizes students for community service

End-of-the-year academic award ceremonies recognized several of our scholarship students. While the schools recognized our students for their achievements in the classroom, Amigos recognized these same students for their community service work in the village. All our scholarship students participated in the renewal of the central “triangle” park in Chocolá that included a full cleanup, construction of flood walls and park benches and reshaping of the trees and shrubs that adorn the area.

In 2018 our students took on the major task of cleaning “mound one,” a significant Mayan archaeological site in the center of Chocolá dating back some 2,500 years. A pedestrian crossroads for local residents, this area is often littered with trash and other debris. Amigos students have spent many hours cleaning and maintaining this important historical site. Residents can now be proud of a public space free of litter and other debris, thanks to the hard work of their students.