Amigos volunteers
Chocolá is a poor rural agricultural village in southwestern Guatemala, inhabited largely by indigenous Maya people. Most residents are illiterate or undereducated. Our goal is to improve the life of the people by promoting education and life-long learning.
Volunteer opportunities are available to work with Amigos de Chocolá directly or to work with the partner organizations in their respective activities. Volunteers are needed to help us Amigos expand and improve our programs and activities and develop fundraising strategies to support new initiatives. Technically savvy volunteers are needed to help us with regular web-related maintenance and archiving of documents.
annual trip to Chocolá
Amigos invites volunteers to join service-learning projects/cultural visits to Chocolá in support of the organization’s mission. Volunteers will meet students and learn about educational challenges; visit heritage sites in and around Chocolá and lend a hand with workdays that enhance the local environment. Future trip dates will be announced on this site.
(Volunteer trips have been temporarily suspended due to the Covid 19 pandemic and some concerns over political unrest in Guatemala. Future trips will be announced on this site.)
Ways You can Volunteer
Consult on fundraising strategies to support new initiatives;
Create and edit newsletter
Maintain and update website; and
Participate in future trips (visit our “NEWS” page)